<P><EM>"On Time-In Full" is an important work. Tim McLean provides an easy to follow practical approach to building a highly performing supply chain"</EM></P><P>-<STRONG>Drew Locher</STRONG>, Shingo Prize Winning Author and Lean Thinker</P><P></P><P>The most fundamental requirement for a manufacturing or distribution business is to deliver to customers what they want, in the quantity they want, when they want it. It doesn''t matter how good your product is, how much the customer likes your salesperson, how slick your marketing campaign is: If your customers can''t get what they want when they want it, they will get it elsewhere, and your business will be in serious trouble.</P><P><STRONG>On Time in Full: Achieving Perfect Delivery with Lean Thinking in Purchasing, Supply Chain and Production Planning</STRONG> is a step-by-step practical guide to designing a Lean Supply Chain that will deliver what your customers need, when they need it, every time.</P><P>Timothy McLean shares his three