<p>Olympic Fever is a bilingual fairy tale, a children''s picture storybook for ages three to thirteen. It is fun, humorous, and easy to read. It can also be used as an educational tool for those of any age serious about becoming bilingual or trilingual-English, French, Etc.<p><p>It is illustrated with wonderful watercolours with imaginative original paintings that will light up anyone young of heart. It''s a collector''s book of value with a surprising, moral story-line-a treat for all ages. It''s about a surprise Olympic race on the farm with animals and friends.<p><p>The text is written in English & French in such a way that it may be read in English and French.<p><p>The story text contains approximately:<p><p>973 English words translated into French and<p><p>1021 French words in the translated text!<p><p>English & French Word Total 1994,<p><p>+ 119 English words, links and numbers on the copyright page.<p><p>Approximate Word, Links + Number Count Total 2193.<p><p>Olympic fever / Fi