<B>An all-inclusive pregnancy and birthing guidebook that gives soon-to-be mothers and their partners the information they need to make decisions, feel confident, and enjoy the beauty of creating new life.</B><BR/><BR/> A comprehensive and judgement-free pregnancy companion, <I>Nurture</I> is the only all-in-one pregnancy and birthing book for modern mothers-to-be and their partners who want a more integrative approach. Author Erica Chidi Cohen has assisted countless births and helped hundreds of families ease into their new roles through her work as a doula. <I>Nurture</I> covers everything from the beginning months of pregnancy to the baby's first weeks.<BR/><BR/> This empowering book includes dozens of important topics that every modern mom needs to know, such as fetal development, making choices for a hospital, home or birth center birth, the basics of breastfeeding, tips on what to expect postpartum, and more. <BR/><BR/>THE ULTIMATE GUDIE FOR MOMS TO BE: <