<p><b>British Medical Association Book Award Winner - Student Textbook of the Year 2018<br/><br/>Everything you need to know about Neuroanatomy and Neuroscience ¿ <i>at a Glance</i>!</b></p><p><i>Neuroanatomy and Neuroscience at a Glance</i> is a highly illustrated, quick reference guide to the anatomy, biochemistry, physiology and pharmacology of the human nervous system. Each chapter features a summary of the anatomical structure and function of a specific component of the central nervous system, a section on applied neurobiology outlining how to approach a patient with neurological or psychiatric problems aligned to the chapter topic, standard diagnostic procedures for most common scenarios, as well as an overview of treatment and management options.</p><p>This fully updated and expanded new edition includes: </p><ul><li>Dozens of full-page, colour illustrations and neurological scans</li><li>Expanded coverage of techniques to study the nervous system</li><li>More practical inform