1. What problem does this content solve for the customer?<br>Netter''s Obstetrics & Gynecology is an incredible educational starting point to gaining knowledge on Ob/Gyn conditions from the medical student to the generalist with its'' concise text of standardized headings and classic, memorable clinical illustrations that stay with the reader long after the book is closed. Its conciseness and highly illustrated art program make it accessible to this audience that need a working knowledge but not a large comprehensive specialist text. The specialist, however, will find this a helpful resource to purchase for the illustrations which will serve as patient education when explaining a disease or condition to their own patients. <br>It is organized into 3 major parts: Anatomy & Embryology, Gynecology and Women''s Health, and Obstetrics. <br>2. For what other reasons should we publish this content?<br>Roger Smith recently completed his update of The Netter Collection - Reproductive System whi