<P>This book, the first in an exciting new series, provides speech and language therapy students and newly qualified and beginning stammering specialists with 100 key points that will help form a strong foundation for their work supporting adults and teenagers who stammer.</P><P>Composed of practical, relevant and useful advice from an experienced clinician, chapters break advice down into sections which include information about the therapeutic relationship, therapeutic approaches and signposts to further resources. Throughout the book, comments from stammering specialists describe what they wish they had known at the start of their careers. </P><P>This book:</P><UL><LI>Puts the person who stammers at the heart of therapy, following the clinical choices they might make</LI><LI>Is written in an accessible style, designed to be dipped in and out of as required</LI><LI>Draws on the experience of therapists working with those who stammer</LI></UL><P>Full of advice and guidance to support