The incredible story of the mystery U-Boats of WWII! Graddon first chronicles the story of the mysterious U-33 that landed in Scotland in 1940 and involved the top-secret Enigma device. He then looks at U-Boat special missions during and after WWII, including U-Boat trips to Antarctica; U-Boats with the curious cargos of liquid mercury; the journey of the Spear of Destiny via U-Boat; the "Black Subs" and more. Topics covered by Graddon include: U-33: The Official Story; Survivors and Deceased; August 1985-the story breaks; The Carradale U-boat; The Tail of the Bank Event; In the wake of U-33; Wrecks; The Greenock Lairs; The Mystery Men; "Brass Bounders at the Admiralty"; Max Schiller through the Lens; U-Boat Special Missions; Neu-Schwabenland and Station; Mercury Rising; The Holy Lance; U-boats in Scotland-Fact in Fiction; Admiral Karl Donitz and the U-Boat fleet; U33: Argo of the Grail; The Female Pope; U-Boats with cargoes of liquid mercury, more. Thoroughly documented with photos an