<p><b>Exam board: CCEA</b><br><b>Level: GCSE</b><br><b>Subject: Digital Technology</b><br><b>First teaching: September 2017</b><br><b>First exams: Summer 2019</b><br><br>Target success in CCEA GCSE Digital Technology, whichever route you choose, with our proven formula for effective, structured revision. Key coverage of the three examined units - Digital Technology, Digital Development Concepts and Digital Development Practice - is combined with practical tips to create a revision guide that students can rely on to review, strengthen and test their knowledge.<br>With My Revision Notes, every student can:<br><br>Consolidate subject knowledge by working through clear and focused content coverage.<br>Test understanding and identify areas for improvement with a sample paper included within the book.<br>Improve exam technique through tips written by leading authors and develop an understanding of assessment requirements of the examined units.<br>Get exam ready with extra quick quizzes and a