<P><I>The Galapagos Islands have captured hearts and captivated imaginations for centuries. Such is their ecological importance that in 1978 the archipelago was declared the first ever World Heritage Site, a testament to our collective desire to preserve the magic and diversity that inspired Darwin. Monty Halls first visited the islands almost twenty years ago and his immediate fascination with their wild beauty would go on to shape the rest of his life.</I><br><br><I>As an explorer, marine biologist, ex-Royal Marine and now President of the Galapagos Conservation Trust, Monty is a passionate advocate for those fighting to save the Galapagos. In 2017, he and his dedicated research team - his wife, Tam, and their two young daughters, Molly and Isla - moved to Santa Cruz to experience just what life is like in the world''s most spectacular tourist destination. As weeks turned into months, the Halls family were in turn spellbound by the beauty of the islands and heartbroken by the devasta