<p><strong>Award winning title-2nd place in the 2014 Burt Award for Caribbean Literature.</strong><br/><strong>#12 in Amazon Hot New Releases – Teen and Young Adult Performing Arts Fiction – in its first month of release</strong></p><p><strong>Featured in Essence Magazine February 2016</strong></p><p><strong>Music, Discovery, Love. Can one summer make the difference of a lifetime?</strong></p><p>Zahara is a loner. She's brilliant on the guitar but in everyday life she doesn't really fit in. Then she meets Shaka, himself a musical genius and the first boy who really gets her. They discover that they share a special bond, their passion for music, and Zahara finds herself a part, not just of Shaka's life, but also that of his boys, the Lion Crew. When they all get roles in a summer musical, Zahara, Shaka, and the rest of the Lion Crew use the opportunity to work on a secret project. But the Crew gets much more than they bargained for when they uncover a dark secre