<B>Beloved fairy tales come to life in a fun and fantastical collection of classic nursery rhymes from acclaimed author and illustrator Ruth Sanderson.</B><BR><BR>Whether at storytime, playtime, or bedtime, Mother Goose will once again have children giggling at jumpy Miss Muffet and clumsy Jack and Jill, twisting their tongues in knots with Peter Piper, and singing along to well-loved verses such as “Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush,” “Yankee Doodle,” and “Ring Around the Rosies.”<BR><BR>You’re sure to find your favorites in this stunning new version of the classic, now made complete with other beloved nursery verses traditionally not included in most Mother Goose collections.<BR><BR>Ruth Sanderson soars as never before in her elegant portrayal of these enduring rhymes.