<p><b>The definitive reference on the biology, evolution, ecology, and diversity of all known species of the world''s mosquitoes. Critical for entomologists, public health professionals, and epidemiologists across the world.</b></p><p>Biting multiple times on two, three, or more different hosts, it is no surprise that some species of mosquitoes have co-evolved with pathogens. For humans and other animals, the result has been some of the most challenging diseases known. It has been said that Anopheles gambiae, as the primary transmitter of malaria parasites to humans, is the most dangerous animal in the world. Certainly malaria has killed more people than all the wars that ever took place. Even now, despite drugs and mosquito control, malaria claims the lives of 405,000 per year. The vast majority of mosquito species are not involved in pathogen transmission to humans, but those that are make a huge impact on global health.</p><p>In this two-volume set, three of the world''s leading exp