<b>Mixed-Valence Systems</b><p><b>Comprehensive overview on the advanced development of mixed-valence chemistry</b><p><i>Mixed-Valence Systems: Fundamentals, Synthesis, Electron Transfer, and Applications</i> covers all topics related to the theory and experimental results of mixed-valence systems, including the design, synthesis, and applications of mixed-valence compounds containing inorganic, organometallic and organic redox-active centers. The text also covers the recent advances in mixed-valence chemistry, including the development of new mixed-valence systems, transition of mixed valency, better understanding of the spectral characteristics of intervalence charge transfer, and controllable electron transfer related to molecular electronics. <p>In <i>Mixed-Valence Systems</i>, readers can expect to find detailed information on sample topics such as: <ul><li> Characterization and evaluation of mixed-valence systems, electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, and electrochemical