<p><strong>Farmers like Charles and Perrine Herv¿ruyer are among the beacons of light. Their work allows the rest of the world to see that there is another life, there is another way. </strong><span>From the foreword by Eliot Coleman, author of </span><em><span>The New Organic Grower</span></em></p><p><strong>This book, more about philosophy than a how-to, describes how two inexperienced beginners succeeded in creating a gorgeous, productive, self-sustaining farm </strong><span>Marion Nestle, author of </span><em><span>Food Politics</span></em></p><p><strong>What began as a simple dream in an historic Normandy village has turned into one of the world¿s most radical, innovative experiments in small-scale farming.</strong></p><p><span>When Charles and Perrine Herv¿ruyer set out to create their farm in a historic Normandy village, they had no idea just how much