<p>Miller''s Review of Orthopaedics has long been considered the go-to certification and recertification review guide for every orthopaedic resident, fellow, and surgeon - and the 8th Edition has been <b>fully revised to efficiently and effectively prepare you for exam success</b>. Drs. Mark D. Miller and Stephen R. Thompson, along with expert contributors in the field, ensure that this bestselling review tool provides you with <b>maximum knowledge in the least amount of time</b>, keeping you up to date with the latest medical advances and helping you improve the safety, effectiveness, and efficiency of your practice<i>.</p></i><ul><li>Contains <b>content current in scope and emphasis</b> for the ABOS (American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery) and OITE (Orthopaedic In-Service Training Exam), using detailed illustrations, surgical photos, and a succinct outline format.</li><p><li>Ensures that you spend time studying only <b>high-yield, testable material</b> presented in a <b>concise, reada