<p><strong>For courses in intermediate microeconomics.</strong></p><p><strong>Using microeconomics to analyze and resolve real-world policy and business problems</strong></p><p><strong>Microeconomics</strong> presents economic theory in the context of real, data-driven examples, and then develops students'' intuition through Solved Problems. The text places emphasis on modern theories that are useful in analyzing actual markets, while a step-by-step problem-based learning approach demonstrates how to use these theories to solve business problems and analyze policy.</p><p>The <strong>9th Edition, Global Edition,</strong> has been substantially updated with new or revised examples, applications and problems so students can see how real-world decisions being made in today''s firms and policy debates.</p><h3>Hallmark features of this title</h3><h4>Applications help students review and apply concepts</h4><ul><li><strong>Balanced coverage of both traditional theories </strong>(consumer