<p><b>Written by a former SAS officer and MI6 operative for Her Majesty''s Secret Service, this book details more than 100 skills, tips and techniques employed by spies to get the job done.</b><br><br><i>MI6 Spy Skills for Civilians</i> shows you how to master the skills of a British agent in order to protect yourself and others, be sneakier and handle any situation - even if it involves escaping from a hostile foreign country. Inside you''ll find dozens of real secret agent skills and tips detailed and explained, often with helpful illustrations to clarify how they¿re done. <br><br>Sections covered include:<br><br>- Surveillance<br>- Safe Travel Tips<br>- Dead Letter Boxes<br>- Brush Contacts<br>- Self Defense<br>- Innocuous and Natural Weapons<br>- Intelligence Gathering<br>- Subterfuge<br>- Covert Methods of Entry<br>- Insertion and Extraction Techniques <br>- And much more!<br><br> The book covers more than 100 tips and techniques in all, as detailed by Red Riley, a former SAS and