<P><strong>Understand How to Use and Develop Meshfree Techniques</strong><BR><EM>An Update of a Groundbreaking Work</EM></P><P>Reflecting the significant advances made in the field since the publication of its predecessor,<STRONG> Meshfree Methods</STRONG><STRONG>: Moving Beyond the Finite Element Method, Second Edition</STRONG> systematically covers the most widely used meshfree methods. With 70% new material, this edition addresses important new developments, especially on essential theoretical issues.</P><P><STRONG>New to the Second Edition</STRONG></P><UL><P><LI>Much more details on fundamental concepts and important theories for numerical methods</LI><LI>Discussions on special properties of meshfree methods, including stability, convergence, accurate, efficiency, and bound property</LI><LI>More detailed discussion on error estimation and adaptive analysis using meshfree methods</LI><LI>Developments on combined meshfree/finite element method (FEM) models</LI><LI>Comparison studies