''Who would you say knows himself?''In 399 BCE Socrates was tried in Athens on charges of irreligion and corruption of the young, convicted, and sentenced to death. Like Plato, an almost exact contemporary, in his youth Xenophon (c. 430-c. 354 BCE) was one of the circle of mainly upper-class young Athenians attracted to Socrates'' teaching. His Memorabilia is both a passionate defence of Socrates against those charges, and a kaleidoscopic picture of the man he knew, painted in a series of mini-dialogues and shortervignettes, with a varied and deftly characterized cast¿entitled and ambitious young men, atheists and hedonists, artists and artisans, Socrates'' own stroppy teenage son Lamprocles, the glamorous courtesan Theodote. Topics given Socrates'' characteristic questioning treatment include education, law, justice,government, political and military leadership, democracy and tyranny, friendship, care of the body and the soul, and concepts of the divine. Xenophon sees Socrates as abov