<P><EM>Melanie Klein¿s Narrative of an Adult Analysis</EM> offers the first detailed account of Melanie Klein¿s work with an adult patient, Mr B, which spanned the years 1934 to 1949.</P><P></P><P>This volume includes fully edited sessional notes made by Klein about her work with Mr B. Christine English has expertly collated, curated and annotated Klein¿s original notes from the Melanie Klein Archive, giving the reader clear insight into this fascinating case for the first time. Throughout, English offers extensive critical commentary, as well as a thorough introduction to the case. She gives the rare opportunity for the reader to be privy to the working practice of one of the most eminent analysts of her time, offering a clear and detailed record of Klein¿s interventions and thinking in her work with one patient over a number of years. This unique and vivid record shows Klein¿s technical approach in the greatest detail, showing her sensitivity and intuition as a clinician, as well as