Determine what will bring you true fulfillment, examine your most authentic beliefs, and learn to manifest your dreams by building harmony and understanding with the universe. Meaningful Manifestation addresses the gaps that other manifestation books gloss over. Using the IMAGINE method, a unique manifestation framework developed by author Alea Lovely, this book gives you a complete roadmap to get from where you are to where you want to be¿and to enjoy the ride! Learn to fall in love with the life you already have, and by achieving this new, positive perspective, become a better vibrational match to what you truly want. The IMAGINE method will guide you through the following 7 lessons: ¿ Inception: Where are you starting? ¿ Manifestation: What do you want? ¿ Anti-Belief: What is the belief challenging what you want? ¿ Growth: What change needs to happen to get what you want? ¿ Integration: How do you apply that change to your life? ¿ Notice: Observing the signs + syncs to help you prod