<p><strong>A Change man, a changed man.</strong></p><p>I knew I was a bit tired. After all, full-time employment since 1986 will do that to you. I even knew I was a bit stressed, but still something was not quite right.</p><p>I sat, I waited.</p><p>All that waiting. Sitting next to a rotund middle-aged lady wearing an over-tight Hello-Kitty-holding-an-AK47 t-shirt who was punching away at Candy Crush on her mobile. I stared gloomily at a television warning me about the perils of haemorrhoids, knowing full well I should be back at the office, grinding away.</p><p>I was ushered into the nurse''s office less than an hour after arrival, not too bad. I got poked in both ears, a blast of light in the eyes, and my temperature was taken. And then I got my arm squeezed for the blood pressure reading.</p><p>¿That¿s odd,¿ says the nurse. ''Let me do that again''. ''That is very odd,'' she says again. ''Would you mind just waiting there?''</p><p>Mike had juggled life, love, laughter, and loss. It