<P><I>Mathematics Teaching On Target</I> is a guidebook for improving mathematics teaching, based on the Teaching for Robust Understanding (TRU) Framework and its five dimensions ¿ The Mathematics, Cognitive Demand, Equitable Access, Agency, Ownership, and Identity, and Formative Assessment. You¿ll be guided to refine your classroom activities across the five TRU dimensions, and your students will become more knowledgeable and resourceful thinkers and problem solvers.</P><P>Each chapter in <I>Mathematics Teaching On Target</I> introduces a set of easy-to-use questions for the hands-on improvement of lesson activities, such as:</P><UL><LI>Think of an activity you use with your students. Is it as mathematically rich as it might be?</LI><LI>Does it stretch your students in the right ways, inviting ¿productive struggle¿?</LI><LI>Can all students engage with it, in ways that allow them to grow as mathematical thinkers?</LI><LI>What evidence will student work provide, helping you revise the