<b>A brilliant scholar of the gospels offers a stunning new translation of the Gospel of John that captures and illuminates the influence and voice of Mary the mother of Jesus</b><b>—a voice </b><b>which suffuses and transfigures the original with a mother's deep and universal compassion and wisdom.</b><BR><BR><b>A New Light on John’s Gospel</b><BR><BR> The Gospel according to John has always been recognized as different from the “synoptic” accounts of Matthew, Mark, and Luke.<BR><BR> But what explains the difference?<BR><BR> In this new translation and verse-byverse commentary, Michael Pakaluk suggests an answer and unlocks a twothousand-year-old mystery. <i>Mary’s Voice in the Gospel according to John</i> reveals the subtle but powerful influence of the Mother of Jesus on the fourth Gospel.<BR><BR> In his dying words, Jesus committed his Mother to the care of John, the beloved disciple, who “from that hour . . . took her into hi