There¿s plenty of good reasons that millions of people around the world study martial arts. Besides the fact you can get a great workout when you study a martial art, you may also experience a rewarding balance between your mind, body, and spirit that you just won¿t find anywhere else. Plus, it can be a lot of fun! <p>No matter what shape you¿re in, martial arts is a great way to drop extra pounds, learn to defend yourself, and develop personal and physical discipline. Whether you¿re already studying a style of fighting or you¿re just considering it, you¿ll find everything you need to know in this helpful, friendly guide (including which movies to check out!).</p><p>The book breaks down the differences and presents the basics of each style of fighting, so you can make an informed choice about which style you want to study. You¿ll also find out what makes for a good instructor, so you can be sure that you¿re learning from the best. And there¿s much more. You¿ll find out:</p><ul><li>What