MANNISH WATER by Black Scholarly Men in 21st Century America. ''Mannish Water represents a profoundly important historical and literary intervention by offering narratives (jumpstarted by George Floyd''s murder) of Black male voices too often left out of the national conversation.'' -- Peniel E. Joseph, Ph.D., Univ. of Texas, LBJ School, Author of The Sword and The Shield, The Revolutionary Lives of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, Jr. Those familiar with the Caribbean in general, and with Jamaica in particular, know or will recognize that ''Mannish Water is the name given to a particular dish known synonymously as ''Goat Head Soup''. It is flesh and bone. It is sacrifice. And it is power prepared with care, with great attention to detail, and served up to make us strong. In this rare collection of new and previously unpublished essays, this nonfiction anthology allows Black scholarly men as ''Black men'' to reveal their sacrifices, power and achievements through great attention to de