<p><b>Deliver engaging, enquiry-driven lessons and help pupils gain a coherent chronological understanding of and across periods studied with this complete offering for Key Stage 3 History. Designed for the 2014 National Curriculum this supportive learning package makes history fun and inspiring to learn. <br></b><br>Making Sense of History consists of four Pupil''s Books with accompanying Dynamic Learning Teaching and Learning resources. Structured around big picture overviews and in-depth enquiries on different topics, the course develops pupils understanding of history and their ability to ask and explore valid historical questions about the past.<br><br>- Help pupils come to a sound chronological understanding of the past and identify the most significant events, connections and patterns of change and continuity with specifically tailored big pictures of the period and of the topics within it.<br><br>- Develop pupils'' enquiry skills and help them become motivated and curious to le