<p><B>Publisher''s Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.</B><BR><BR><STRONG><EM>¿Every drop of your milk is precious. Even small amounts have a unique mix of ingredients and immunities that continue to bolster your baby¿s health in a way that no formula can ever match.¿</EM></STRONG></P><p>Worried about making enough milk for your baby? Get the help you need with this practical guide from two lactation experts.</P><p>Since publication of this ¿low milk supply bible¿ a decade ago, new insights and better ways to maximize milk production have emerged, making this updated and expanded edition a must-have for anyone struggling with supply issues. Endorsed by La Leche League International and written by leading lactation consultants, <EM>Making More Milk</EM> offers effective strategies for both time-honored and innovative ways to make more milk, includi