<p>Innovations in technology have hugely enhanced the diagnostic capabilities of today''s practising clinicians. Yet the traditional art of detecting clinical signs through expert examination techniques remains a fundamental competence for training and practising clinicians, central to the delivery of safe and effective patient care. This first edition of <i>Macleod''s Essential Examination </i>provides an innovative, concise account of each body system examination, delivering the information in a compact, portable format for use at home and in the clinical environment. It can be used in conjunction with the more extensive and hugely successful ''parent'' textbook <i>Macleod''s Clinical Examination, </i>with which it is closely integrated, or as a stand-alone aide-memoire. </p><p>This quick-reference, highly practical guide will assist in preparation for OSCEs and in clinical practice. Each chapter follows a consistent format, opening with typical OSCE scenarios followed by a concise '