<DIV> America''s favorite series returns with a new look and a Netflix tv show.<P></P><P>Dawn''s a little jealous when there''s a formal ceremony to welcome Jessi and Mallory into the Baby-sitters Club. Don''t people know that Dawn''s a special baby-sitter too?</P><P>Then it''s Dawn''s turn to shine. Mrs. Pike wants Dawn to help prepare Margo and Claire for the Little Miss Stoneybrook contest. So what if Margo''s only talent is peeling a banana with her feet? Dawn''s going to help her charges win that contest any way she can.</P><P>The only trouble is...Kristy, Mary Anne, and Claudia arehelping Karen, Myriah, and Charlotte enter the contest, too. And nobody''s sure where the competition is fiercer: at the pageant -- or at the Baby-sitters Club!</P><P>The best friends you''ll ever have!</P></DIV>