<p>How did Pixar go from producing CAT scan images to winning Oscars?<br>How did Steve Jobs turn Apple into a world-beating company?<br>How does Amazon''s culture encourage innovation?<br>How can <i>you</i> find the creative solutions demanded by our ever-changing world?<br><br>The answer, according to renowned business thought-leader Peter Sims, is LITTLE BETS. In these fast-moving times, it''s next to impossible to predict what''s around the corner, and harder still to formulate a foolproof plan to deal with it. Truly innovative companies, Sims argues, don''t get caught up in projections and predictions. Instead, they embrace uncertainty, take a chance, fail quickly and learn fast. <br><br>This method has formulated thousands of modern advances, from Google''s PageRank to Starbucks coffee shops - if you harness its power, what could you achieve?</p>