<p><strong><em>The end of the world…</em></strong><strong> How do you react to that thought? Does it make you afraid or nervous? Excited? At peace? Or do you simply try not to think about it?</strong></p><p>The apostle John was privileged to preview the end of the world in a dream. While in exile on the island of Patmos, he experienced an amazing vision that gave him a glimpse of heaven. He saw the final battle between good and evil. He saw God''s justice. He witnessed the assured victory for believers in Christ as all hell broke loose and all heaven came forth. He saw Jesus, born in a manger, now triumphant over Satan. John''s description stretches our imagination, fuels our anticipation, and comforts us as we await the final curtain call.</p><p>As you read, study, journal, and discuss the book of Revelation, watch for these <em>key themes</em> that Max will unpack throughout the book:</p><ul><li>God has a plan and a future for the world.</li><li>God will be ultimately vic