<div><div><b><i>L<font>iberties, a Journal of Culture and Politics</font></i></b><span>, <b>is essential reading for those engaged in the cultural and political issues of our time. </b></span><br></div><div><span><b><br></b></span></div><div><font>In this edition of<i><b> Liberties</b></i>:  <b>Andrew Delbanco</b> - On Reparations; <b>James Kirchik</b> - From Queer to Gay to Queer; <b>Olúfẹ́mi Táíwò</b> - The African Case for Enlightenment; <b>James P. Leffler -</b> Iraq After Twenty Years; <b>Tamar Jacoby </b>- The Battle of Irpin; <b>Michael Walzer </b>- The Left and The Nation State; <b>Alfred Brendel</b> - Goethe and Beethoven: Two Giants; <b>Alastair Macaulay</b> - On The World’s Greatest Living Choreographer;<b> Jennie Lightweiss-Goff  </b>- Vulnerability in America; <b>Mark Lilla</b> - The Use and Abuse of Nostalg