Bonnie''s greatest fears have come true: unemployed, homeless, bankrupt, as well as alienated from family and friends.In a desperate effort to salvage her life, she flees California in search of long-lost New York girlfriends.However, she soon discovers them trapped in a complex real -estate scam, as one of them purchased a rundown Gilded Age mansion at the edge of a remote as well as fiercely disputed forest, a place with a reputation; people enter and mysteriously return unfit to live.Unknown to them, this remote forest represents a truly great real-world experiment of the bizarre and grotesque, a neologic syncretism, a frontier without pesky checks and balances, the darker side of free enterprise, the side of obsession and addiction, a brave new world, and a place controlled by powerful special interests too big to fail, controlled by the ultimate insiders, who seem hell bent on a leap fifty years ahead of the competition, in search of pure profit and tremendous control over the wor