<P><EM>Leadership in Public and Nonprofit Organizations, Fourth Edition</EM> provides a compact but complete analysis of leadership for students and practitioners<EM></EM>who work in public and nonprofit organizations. Offering a comprehensive review of leadership theories in the field, from the classic to the cutting-edge, and how they<EM></EM>relate specifically to the public sector and nonprofit contexts, this textbook covers the major competency<EM></EM>clusters in detail, supported by research findings as well as practical guidelines for<EM></EM>improvement. These competencies are portrayed in a leadership action cycle<EM></EM>that aids readers in visually connecting theory and practice. This thoroughly revised new edition also offers:</P><UL><LI>Questions for<EM></EM>discussion and analysis, hypothetical scenarios for each chapter, as well as an easily<EM></EM>reproducible leadership assessment instrument students may use to apply the theories<EM></EM>they¿ve learned</LI><LI>Expa