<p><b>A definitive intellectual history of landscape urbanism</b><br><br>It has become conventional to think of urbanism and landscape as opposing one another¿or to think of landscape as merely providing temporary relief from urban life as shaped by buildings and infrastructure. But, driven in part by environmental concerns, landscape has recently emerged as a model and medium for the city, with some theorists arguing that landscape architects are the urbanists of our age. In <i>Landscape as Urbanism</i>, one of the field''s pioneers presents a powerful case for rethinking the city through landscape.<br><br>Charles Waldheim traces the roots of landscape as a form of urbanism from its origins in the Renaissance through the twentieth century. Growing out of progressive architectural culture and populist environmentalism, the concept was further informed by the nineteenth-century invention of landscape architecture as a "new art" charged with reconciling the design of the industrial city