First English translation of the book that introduced the realm of Hollow Earth <BR><BR>• Explores the underground world of Agarttha, sometimes known as Shambhala, a realm that is spiritually and technologically advanced beyond our modern culture<BR><BR>• One of the most influential works of 19th-century occultism<BR><BR>• Written by the philosopher who influenced Papus, Rene Guénon, and Rudolf Steiner<BR><BR>The underground realm of Agarttha was first introduced to the Western world in 1886 by the French esoteric philosopher Alexandre Saint-Yves d’Alveydre with his book <I>Mission de l’Inde</I>, translated here for the first time into English. Saint-Yves’s book maintained that deep below the Himalayas were enormous underground cities, which were under the rule of a sovereign pontiff known as the Brahâtma. Throughout history, the “unknown superiors” cited by secret societies were believed to be emissaries from this realm who had mo