<p><b>A detailed look at financial planning strategies surrounding professional corporations for doctors, dentists, lawyers, business owners and other Canadian professionals.</b></p><p>If you''re a doctor, a dentist, a lawyer, or a business owner¿virtually any type of professional in Canada¿you strongly <i>need</i> to consider how incorporating fits into your financial plan.</p><p>A good financial planner should acknowledge they have absolutely no control of the markets. However, taxes are completely controllable, and having a corporation is a powerful tool that allows professionals to control their tax bill.?Using a mix of personal observations, real-life examples, and strategy evaluations, this book guides the professional along their path to using their corporation in the most efficient way.</p><p><i>Kickstart Your Corporation: The Incorporated Professional''s Financial Planning Coach</i> is your practical guide to controlling your tax bill and taking advantage of all that a Profess