<p><b>''Thoughtful, very readable </b><b>...</b><b> We have been lucky, lucky, lucky to have him'' - </b><i>The Times</i><br><br><b>''Pithy and amusing''</b> - <i>Sunday Times</i><br><br>David Dimbleby has interviewed prime ministers and presidents, made award-winning documentaries, chaired Question Time for 25 years, and anchored the BBC''s live coverage of historic national and world events.<br><br>KEEP TALKING is David''s wry look at his own extraordinary career, and the people, events and controversies he has encountered along the way. As a broadcaster for the BBC, David had an obligation to appear a neutral observer. Now finally ''off the leash'' he writes without inhibition but with his characteristic wit, clarity and insight, about monarchy, politics, and the state of Britain. <br><br>His book is enlivened with honest accounts of broadcasting from the inside - from commentating on Diana''s funeral to anchoring ten successive General Election night results programmes. The faux pa