<B>NO CITY FOR OLD MEN!</B><BR><BR>The best-selling series collecting The Law in order continues. This action-packed volume contains the finale of the epic Origins saga, which sets Dredd on a new quest for justice as he begins to question Mega-City One’s treatment of the mutant population and the laws that keep them down. But what happens when the man upholding the law no longer believes in it?<BR><BR>Written by John Wagner (<B>A History of Violence</B>), Gordon Rennie (<B>Warhammer</B>), Rob Williams (<B>Suicide Squad</B>), Ian Edginton (<B>Batman</B>), and Robbie Morrison (<B>The Authority</B>), with art by Carlos Ezquerra <I>(Strontium Dog</I>), Ian Gibson (<I>The Ballad of Halo Jones</I>), Colin MacNeil (<I>Devlin Waugh</I>), Mike McMahon (<I>Slaine</I>), Jock (<B>The Losers</B>), Henry Flint (<I>Rogue Trooper</I>), Rufus Dayglo (<B>Tank Girl</B>), Vince Locke (<B>A History of Violence</B>), PJ Holden (<I>Rogue Trooper</I>), Patrick Goddard (<B>Battle Action</B>), Boo Cook (<