With glorious sunsets, incredible wildlife and peace-loving people, you can almost understand why someone would leave the comforts of home and the security of successful careers, for a life in Botswana. Joy in the Desert tells the true story of a small band of devoted Christians who did just that, moved to an unknown country, with no guaranteed salary, and how God blessed them for over fifty years!This volume aims to tell the true story of how the lives of men and women, and boys and girls, in Botswana have been transformed by the power of the gospel of Christ. It has been our joy to witness God¿s blessing over many years in this desert land, and it has been an honour to serve Him here. Memories fade quickly, but even if we had perfect recall, this brief record must be regarded as incomplete. While we may readily tell of what men and women have done, none of us can discern the full picture of what God has done or is doing. He often works behind the scenes. Then again, God will continue