<b>This book is filled with warm stories that tell you all about friendship. You also become familiar with different social values that are important in a community, like showing respect, caring, and working together. For children ages 4 years and up.</b><p>Young children are gradually introduced to social values like respect, loyalty, honesty, patience, and politeness that help make a community thrive. The series You, Me, and Our Community helps them during that first introduction by means of tailor-made books. They help children learn social skills in a playful manner. </p><p>“Luke is my friend,” Mika says happily. She moves her chair a little closer to Luke’s. “Liv and I are friends too!” shouts Noa. Tom points at Rafi. “We’re friends too, right?” The teacher looks around. “How nice that everyone has a friend. But what is a friend?”<br></p>