How many times have you heard the words, "It will happen?" For Laura and her husband, Scoop, the phrase that once brought comfort, hope and reassurance began to lose all positive meaning. When they first started trying for a baby, they had no idea what they would be in for. After the heartbreak of each loss, when the world around her frustratingly seemed to carry on like normal, Laura struggled to cope with her inability to do something others seemed to find so easy. In this candid memoir, she shares her isolating experiences and talks openly and honestly about how she and her husband navigated the harsh realities of their rollercoaster journey to parenthood. It Will Happen covers: - trying to conceive and the strain on relationships<br>- miscarriage, ectopic and molar pregnancies<br>- jealousy and resentment<br>- treatments and testing<br>- the anxiety of pregnancy and motherhood after loss<br>- communicating with people in these situations Written from the heart of someone with first