<P>The field of Chemical Engineering and its link to computer science is in constant evolution and new engineers have a variety of tools at their disposal to tackle their everyday problems. <B><I>Introduction to Software for Chemical Engineers, Second Edition</B></I> provides a quick guide to the use of various computer packages for chemical engineering applications. It covers a range of software applications from Excel and general mathematical packages such as MATLAB and MathCAD to process simulators, CHEMCAD and ASPEN, equation-based modeling languages, gProms, optimization software such as GAMS and AIMS, and specialized software like CFD or DEM codes. The different packages are introduced and applied to solve typical problems in fluid mechanics, heat and mass transfer, mass and energy balances, unit operations, reactor engineering, process and equipment design and control. </P><P>This new edition offers a wider view of packages including open source software such as R, Python and Ju