International Relations since 1945 is the most student-friendly guide to the history of international relations. In it, Young and Kent provide an accessible and comprehensive introduction to key developments in international relations across the world. Now in its third edition, the text has been thoroughly updated to include contemporary developments and includes a brand new concluding part: ''The Age of Uncertainty, 2011 - 2018''. New to the third edition are three chapters covering developments from the last decade. The first of these, ''Conflict and Chaos in the Middle East'', describes the development of the War in Syria and the emergence of the so-called Islamic State. Young & Kent tackle Brexit and the Trump administration in a new chapter on ''Threats to the existing Global Order: Instability in the West''. The final new chapter details ''Challenges from the East'' with an overview of Russia''s unstable relationshipwith NATO, North Korea''s nuclear ambitions, and China''s new in