<p>Instrument-Assisted Myofascial Therapy: Principles and Clinical Applications provides a complete overview of this effective therapy (IAMT) based on the authors'' own clinical experience of using instruments to treat myofascial lesions. The text combines the latest scientific evidence and theory with practical guidelines. The authors describe the use of various IAMT techniques which the reader will be able to easily integrate into daily clinical practice.<br><br>The text progresses from didactic to practical information of relevance for a variety of clinicians:<br><br>- Anatomy of the myofascial system and its role in pain/dysfunction and treatments<br><br>- Science and theory of IAMT including history, types, and research on mechanisms of action and outcomes<br><br>- Practical application of IAMT Practice: an overview of techniques specific to tissue type (scars, tendons, muscles)<br><br>- Integration of IATM in clinical practice including clinical decision making (in diagnosis and