<P>Over the course of four decades of the Cold War, Chakraborti and Chakraborty analyse India''s path from nonalignment towards realism and self-assertion, and finally to confidence-building and interdependence with respect to their neighbours in Southeast Asia. </P><P></P><P>What were the reasons for India''s shift from non-alignment to a more pragmatic approach to foreign relations in its relationships with both the non-Communist states of ASEAN and the Communist States of Indochina? How was this shift perceived by those countries? To what degree were Pakistan''s foreign and defence policies responsible for India''s changes in alignment throughout the Cold War? What lessons can we draw from these events, as the Indo-Pacific is again becoming a major arena of great power rivalry? In order to address these questions, Chakraborti and Chakraborty study the development of India''s foreign and security policies throughout the period, tracking the changes of stances between and within admin