<B><I>Better Nate than Ever</I> meets <I>Love Sugar Magic</I> in this sweet third novel in the Fearless middle grade series from <I>Hamilton</I> and Broadway star Mandy Gonzalez about a young thespian who feels caught between his love of baking and theatre.</B><BR><BR>Twelve-year-old Hudson Patel has two great loves: Broadway and baking! In addition to giving his all to his role in the hit show <I>Our Time</I>, Hudson takes pride in keeping his castmates and fellow Fearless Squad members well-fed with all the delicious treats he creates.<BR><BR>When the call comes in for a big baking show—with the winner receiving a spot at a kiosk in Times Square—the Squad encourage him to enter. They just <I>know</I> that kiosk should be his. But Hudson struggles to create a showstopper, and his friends realize if Hudson goes all-in with the baking, he may not have time to spare for his stage role.<BR><BR>Hudson goes to his grandmother for help, and she suggests going back to his roots, t