In this book I will take you on a very emotional and sometimes dark journey. I will share what my life was like before I drank and used drugs. What I became like when I was using and more importantly the road to my recovery. For many years I failed to stay sober until one day I woke up and didn''t want to be alive anymore. I was spiritually lost and broken; I was a very lonely man when I took my last alcoholic beverage. Although I had much to live for, I welcomed an end to the pain and suffering I was causing myself and family. The people in ''Alcoholics Anonymous'' were patient and tolerant. They loved me when I had no love to give, and held me as I picked up the pieces of my life. On my search I found a higher power, a spiritual home and just as important I found freedom from self. I enjoy sobriety today because I keep my recovery simple. I refrain from taking the first drink of alcohol, simple, yet very effective. It is a wonderful gift to help others recover from this insidious dis