<P><B><I>In Focus Chinese Astrology</I> provides all you need to know about the characteristics and workings of the Chinese zodiac signs, along with information on how to interpret your astrological chart.</B></P><P> Many of us are familiar with the Western horoscope based on twelve signs starting with Aries the Ram and ending with Pisces the Fish. Similarly, the Chinese zodiac is based on twelve signs, all represented by animals, that provide insight into your personality and character. Though you are most likely familiar with your year sign, you will soon discover there is much more beyond that.<I> In Focus Chinese Astrology</I> is the perfect introduction—or refresher—to interpreting your horoscope according to the Eastern zodiac. <B>Learn more about yourself and those around you</B> in this compact but illuminating guide that also features a <B>16x24-inch poster</B> with an at-a-glance references to the <B>signs and meanings of the Chinese Zodiac</B>. </P><P>